Tgres is a metrics collection and storage server, aka a time series database. I’m not very comfortable with referring to it as a database, because at least in case of Tgres, the database is actually PostgreSQL. But also “database” to me is in the same category as “operating system” or “compiler”, a thing so advanced that only few can claim to be it without appearing pretentious. But for the sake of tautology avoidance, I might occasionally refer to Tgres as a TS database.
Ulike Graphite or RRDTool, Tgres produces no charts, it assumes you’re using something like Grafana. Currently Tgres supports most of the Graphite functionality (including vast majority of the functions) as well as Statsd functionality. Tgres supports clustering, albeit whereby all nodes must share the PostgreSQL instance. Tgres can be used as a standalone server or as a Go package compiled into your app.
Current status
It’s been over a year since I began hacking on it in this incarnation, though the idea and a couple of scrapped implementations thereof go back more than two years. Tgres is still not quite production quality, though it’s probably stable enough for someone who knows their way around Go to give it a whirl. At this point I have proven the concept, and believe the architecture is sound, but the magnitude of the project turned out to be much grater than I originally pictured, and so it still needs lots and lots of proofreading, t’s crossed and i’s dotted.
Raisons d’etre
With Go, new things are possible
The idea of a TS database came about when I first decided to dive into Golang. Go can do great stuff, but I didn’t see how it applied to anything I was working on at the time. I needed a project that was a better match for the domain of applications that Go made possible, something where performance and scale matter, something with concurrent moving pieces, something challenging. A “time series database” seemed like it had potential. It has all kinds of curious requirements that could be great fun to implement in Go.
Present state of “time series databases” is dismal
I was (and still am) frustrated with the state of TS in our industry. Since the appearance of MRTG back in 1995 when the network admins of the then burgeoning Internet realized that TS is essential to device monitoring, not much has happened.
RRDTool was definitely a major step forward from MRTG which was merely a Perl script. RRDTool to this day is the best implementation of a round-robin database for time series data (in C to boot). Similarly to MRTG, RRDTool was designed as a command-line tool, the server component was left as an exercise for the user. And even though linking RRDTool into your app was not too difficult (I did it in 2004), somehow an “RRD server” never appeared.
Then there was Graphite. (I think Graphite is a reflection of the Python-can-do-anything era.) Graphite borrowed a lot of ideas from RRDTool, though its re-implementation of round-robin on-disk files in pure Python while claiming superiority is not that much better, if at all, IMHO when compared to RRDTool in both accuracy and performance. In general though, I think storing data directly in files is the wrong approach to begin with.
Graphite’s appeal is that it’s an easy-to-start server that does everything, and it became especially popular alongside Statsd a tool with umpteen different implementation designed to sit in front of Graphite. Eventually people stopped using Graphite to make charts favoring instead the most excellent Grafana, while Graphite (or its nephew Graphite-API) became a UI-less server-only component to store and retrieve data.
Graphite and RRDTool didn’t scale very well, so for “Big Time Series” (as in very large networks, or specialized fields like finance, weather, etc.) people used solutions backed by Cassandra, HBase, or Solr such as OpenTSDB.
There are also new kids on the block such as InfluxDB or Prometheus, which are a little too flashy and commercial by my taste, each trying to solve problems that I don’t think I have.
Bottom line is that some 20 years after MRTG, time series remains mostly a system monitoring aid and has never crossed over to the mainstream application development.
Data isolation
Virtually all of the aforementioned tools contribute to a problem I dub data isolation. Data isolation is when a part of our data is stored using a separate tool in a different format and is therefore not as easily accessible. For example if our metrics are in Graphite, we probably don’t even know how to get them out of it, nor does it occur to us that it might be useful. All we’ve been able to do is get a Grafana chart and are quite satisfied with it. We do not question why it isn’t a first-class citizen right in the database as a table, where we could use it in SQL joins, for example. Or export it to our big data rig and query it with Hive or Spark, etc.
Why is getting a quick chart of customer sign-ups per second next to all my customer data such a big deal these days? Why can’t it be as simple as a model in my Rails or Django app?
PostgreSQL - Avoid the storage mire
I believe that there is nothing about time series that makes it unfit for a relational database. Many projects out there are spinning their wheels solving the wrong problem, that of data storage. Storage is one of the hardest problems in computers, time series databases should focus on time series and delegate the storage to tried-and-true tools which are good at it.
Time series data does carry certain special requirements, and I’ve researched extensively all different ways TS can be stored in a relational database. It does require taking advantage of some newer features that in the open source database world seem most available in PostgreSQL. I am guessing that with time these capabilities will become more available in other databases, and some of them already are, but for the time being I’ve decided that Tgres is PostgreSQL-only.
A bit of detail
Emulating Graphite as a starting point
I would like Tgres to be useful. The simplest way I could think of achieving usefulness is by emulating an existing tool so that it can become a drop-in replacement. This makes adoption easy and it also proves that the underlying architecture is capable. It also lets us compare performance.
It doesn’t mean that I am a fan of how Graphite does things, but I think that if Tgres is architected in such a way that there is a lower level which does the heavy lifting and then a layer on top of it that makes it behave like Graphite, that’s a great start, and it leaves options open for potential improvement and a different/better interface.
General terminology
I always liked how RRDTool documentation broke down the problem of time series into concise and clear terms. Tgres tries to leverage the RRDTool terminology. Tgres also adopts the same techniques to the extent that is possible given a considerably different architecuture. Unlike RRDTool, Tgres uses a millisecond as the smallest unit of time measure.
Data Point (DP)
A data point is a value (a floating point number) a time stamp and a string name identifying the series. (For a while I contemplated allowing a data point to have multiple values, but it made things too complicated, so I reverted to a single value per data point).
Round-Robin Archive (RRA)
Tgres stores data points in round-robin archives. While “round-robin” is an implementation detail, it is part of the name because the only way it can be round-robin is the number of data points in the archive is constant. The time-span of the RRA is determined by the step (resolution) and the size of the archive (in steps). Thus RRA’s are defined by step and size, e.g. 10s for 24 hours (a data point every 10s for 24 hours, or 8,640 points).
A series is usually is stored in multiple RRA’s. The RRA’s typically have varying resolutions, e.g. we want a 10s step for the past 24h, but also a 1h step for a week and a 6h step for 3 years. In this example we have 3 RRA’s. Tgres takes care of maintaining the RRA’s and selecting the right resultion for a given query so that there is no need to deal with individual RRA’s directly.
Data Source (DS)
A group of RRA’s under the same identifier (aka series name) is referred to as a data source (DS). I suppose “DS” can be used interchangeably with “series”. Depending on how Tgres is configured, DS’s are either predefined or are created on the fly based on DS name matching rules.
Note that Tgres does not store the original data points, but only the weighted averages of the received data points in each RRA. This is how RRDTool does it. Graphite doesn’t bother averaging the points but simply discards previous data points within the same step. At first it may seem not ideal that the original data is discarded, but experience shows that just about any time series operation results in a conversion to a fixed interval form as the first step, so it might as well just be done upfront.
Heartbeat (HB)
Every DS has a heartbeat, a time duration which defines the longest possible period of inactivity before the DS becomes considered dysfunctional. If the heartbeat is exceeded, the data since the last update will be recorded as NaNs.
Xfiles factor (XFF)
When data is consolidated from smaller to larger step RRAs, the XFF determines how much of the data is allowed to be NaN before the consolidated value becomes NaN. For example if we are consolidating per-minute values into a per-hour value, if one of the minutes happens to be NaN, strictly speaking the whole hour ought ot be NaN, but that wouldn’t be very useful. Default XFF is .5, i.e. more than half of the per-minute values should be NaN before the per-hour value is considered NaN.
Postgres storage format
A time series is a series of floats. Note that when it’s stored in RRA’s, there is no need for timestamps - each position in an RRA has its timestamp defined by the current state of the RRA. If we know the timestamp of the tip, we know the timestamp of every element going back to the beginning of the RRA.
To store data points Tgres takes advantage of PostgreSQL arrays. A single row stores many data points. Tgres further splits series into multiple rows to optimize the IO.
To make the data easy to use, Tgres also creates a view which makes the data points structured as a regular table with a row per data point.
There are only 3 tables and 1 view required for Tgres operation. You can use the same database you use for any other web app you have. This means you can access the time series by simply just adding a model pointing at the Tgres time series view to your Rails/Django/whatever to get access to the data.
Tgres components
Tgres is organized as a set of Go packages.
The daemon is the main process that runs everything. It includes the config parser, and the listeners that receive and parse incoming data points using both UDP and TCP Graphite formats, as well as Python Pickle format (though I’m not sure who out there really uses it). It’s not too hard to add more formats, for example I think it’d be neat if Tgres could receive data points via an HTTP pixel that could be embedded in web pages.
The daemon also takes care of graceful restarts, logging and other typical long-running service stuff.
The receiver (formerly known as transceiver) is the data point router and cache. It maintains a set of workers responsible for writing the data points to their respective RRA’s, as well as caching and periodic flushing of the cache. Flushing is done once a certian number of points has accumulated or a period of time has passed, but not more often than the minimal flush frequency (all configurable).
The responsibility of rrd is to add data points to RRA’s. This is not as simple as it sounds, a good description of the concepts behind it is available here.
http is the place for all things related to HTTP, which currently is just the Graphite API. The API requests are passed down to the DSL level for processing.
dsl is an implementation of the Graphite functions. There are a few differences because I used the Go parser which is nearly syntactically identical. (For example a series name cannot begin with a digit because that is not a proper Go identifier).
Graphite has a lot number of functions available in its DSL, and I spent a lot of time during our beach vacation last summer trying to implement them all, but I think a few are still left undone. Some were harder than others, and some led me on side adventures such as figuring out the Holt-Winters triple exponential smoothing and how to do it correctly. (ZZZ - link)
The interface to the database is reduced to a fairly compact SerDe (Serialize-Deserializer) interface. While the SerDe itself is utterly simplistic (e.g. “get me this series”), the SQL behind it anything but, still, it should be possible to throw together an alternative SerDe for a different relational database (or not a database at all?).
Statsd is currently in a separate Go package, but I might integrate with the RRD because it is not very clear that it needs to be a separate thing. Somehow it so happened that Graphite and Statd are two separate projects, but the reasons for this are probably more cultural than by design.
Cluster supports very basic clustering. At this point it’s “good enough” given that it’s OK to occasionally lose data points during cluster transitions and all that we want to make sure of is that nodes can come and go without disruptions.
The principle behind cluster is that each node is responsible for one or more series and other nodes will forward data points to the responsible node. There is nearly zero configuration, and any node can act as the point of contact, i.e. there is no leader.
The way clustering is done is in flux at the moment, we might change it to something more robust in the near future, but for the time being it addresses the horizontal scaling problem.
There’s still lots to do…
There’s still a lot of work to be done on Tgres. For one thing, I don’t have any tests. This is mainly because I don’t believe in testing that which hasn’t “gelled”, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the above organization of packages and how they interface changes as I understand the problem better. We also need documentation. And some real-life use/testing/feedback would be great as well.