Gregory Trubetskoy

Notes to self.

Building a Go Web App - Part 4

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This is part 4. See part 1, part 2 and part 3.

In this part I will try to briefly go over the missing pieces in our very simplistic Go Web App.

HTTP Handler Wrappers

I tiny rant: I do not like the word “middleware”. The concept of a wrapper has been around since the dawn of computing, there is no need to invent new words for it.

Having that out of the way, let’s say we need to require authentication for a certain URL. This is what our index handler presently looks like:

func indexHandler(m *model.Model) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, indexHTML)

We could write a function which takes an http.Handler as an argument and returns a (different) http.Handler. The returned handler checks whether the user is authenticated with m.IsAuthenticated() (whatever it does is not important here) and redirects the user to a login page, or executes the original handler by calling its ServeHTTP() method.

func requireLogin(h http.Handler, m *model.Model) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if !m.IsAuthenticated(r) {
			http.Redirect(w, r, loginURL, http.StatusFound)
		h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

Given the above, the function registration now would look like this:

   http.Handle("/", requireLogin(indexHandler(m)), m)

Handlers can be wrapped this way in as many layers as needed and this approach is very flexible. Anything from setting headers to compressing output can be accomplished via a wrapper. Note also that we can pass in whatever arguments we need, for example our *model.Model.

URL Parameters

Sooner or later we might want to rely on URL parameters, e.g. /person/3 where 3 is a person id. Go standard library doesn’t provide any support for this leaving it as an exercise for the developer. The software component responsible for this sort of thing is known as a Mux or “router” and it can be replaced by a custom implementation. A Mux also provides a ServeHTTP() method which means it satisfies the http.Handler interface, i.e. it is a handler.

A very popular implementation is the Gorilla Mux. It is easy to delegate entire sub-urls to the Gorilla Mux wherever more flexibility is needed. For example we can decide that everything from /person and below is handled by an instance of a Gorilla router and we want that to be all authenticated, which might look like this:

	// import ""
	pr := mux.NewRouter().PathPrefix("/person").Subrouter()
	pr.Handle("/{id}", personGetHandler(m)).Methods("GET")
	pr.Handle("/", personPostHandler(m)).Methods("POST")
	pr.Handle("/{id}", personPutHandler(m)).Methods("PUT")
	http.Handle("/person/", requireLogin(pr))

NB: I found that trailing slashes are important and the rules on when they are required are a bit confusing.

There are many other router/mux implementations out there, the beauty of not buying into any kind of a framework is that we can choose the one that works best for us or write our own (they are not difficult to implement).

Asset Handling

One of the neatest things about Go is that a compiled program is a single binary not a big pile of files like it is with most scripting languages and even compiled ones. But if our program relies on assets (JS, CSS, image and other files), we would need to copy those over to the server at deployment time.

There is a way we can preserve the “one binary” characteristic of our program by including assets as part of the binary itself. For that there is the go-bindata project and its nephew go-bindata-assetfs.

Since packing assets into the binary is slightly beyond what go build can accomplish, we will need some kind of a script to take care of it. My personal preference is to use the tried and true make, and it is not uncommon to see Go projects come with a Makefile.

Here is a relevant example Makefile rule

ASSETS_DIR = "assets"
	@export GOPATH=$${GOPATH-~/go} && \
	go get && \
	$$GOPATH/bin/go-bindata -o bindata.go -tags builtinassets ${ASSETS_DIR}/... && \
	go build -tags builtinassets -ldflags "-X main.builtinAssets=${ASSETS_DIR}"

The above rule creates a bindata.go file which will be placed in the same directory where main.go is and becomes part of package main. main.go will somehow know that assets are built-in and this is accomplished via an -ldflags "-X main.builtinAssets=${ASSETS_DIR}" trick, which is a way to assign values to variables at compile time. This means that our code can now check for the value of builtinAssets to decide what to do, e.g.:

	if builtinAssets != "" {
		log.Printf("Running with builtin assets.")
		cfg.UI.Assets = &assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, AssetInfo: AssetInfo, Prefix: builtinAssets}
	} else {
		log.Printf("Assets served from %q.", assetsPath)
		cfg.UI.Assets = http.Dir(assetsPath)

The second important thing is that we are defining a build tag called builtinassets. We are also telling go-bindata about it, what this means is “only compile me when builtinassets is set”, and this controls under which circumstances bindata.go (which contains our assets as Go code) is to actually be compiled.

Pre-transpilation of JavaScript

Last, but not the least, I want to briefly mention packing of web assets. To describe it properly is enough material for a whole new series of posts, and this would really have nothing to do with Go. But I can at least list the following points.

  • You might as well give in and install npm, and make a package.json file.

  • Once npm is installed, it is trivial to install the Babel command-line compiler, babel-cli, which is one way to transpile JavaScript.

  • A more complicated, frustrating, but ultimately more flexible method is to use webpack. Webpack will pre-transpile and do things like combine all JS into a single file as well as minimize it.

  • I was surprised by how difficult it was to provide module import functionality in JavaScript. The problem is that there is an ES6 standard for import and export keywords, but there is no implementation, and even Babel assumes that something else implements it for you. In the end I settled on SystemJS. The complication with SystemJS is that now in-browser Babel transpilation needs to be something that SystemJS is aware of, so I had to use its Babel plugin for that. Webpack in turn (I think?) provides its own module support implementation, so SystemJS is not needed when assets are packed. Anyhow, it was all rather frustrating.


I would say that in the set up I describe in this four part series Go absolutely shines, while JavaScript not so much. But once I got over the initial hurdle of getting it all to work, React/JSX was easy and perhaps even pleasant to work with.

That’s it for now, hope you find this useful.
