I’ve decided to check out
last week and here’s some notes on how that went.
First thoughts
I was very impressed with how easy it was to install, even considering
our unusual set up (see below). In my simple ad-hoc tests Impala
performed orders of magnitude faster than Hive. So far it seems solid
down to the little details, like the shell prompt with a fully
functional libreadline and column headers nicely formatted.
The first problem I encountered was that we use Cloudera
in our set up, but Impala is only available as a package (RPM in our
case). I tried compiling it from
source, but it’s not a trivial
compile - it requires LLVM (which is way cool,
BTW) and has a bunch of dependencies, it didn’t work out-of-the-box
for me so I’ve decided to take an alternative route (I will definitely get it compiled some weekend soon).
Retreiving contents of an RPM is trivial (because it’s really a cpio
archive), and then I’d just have to “make it work”.
I noticed that usr/bin/impalad is a shell script, and it appears to
rely on a few environment vars for configuration, so I created a shell
script that sets them which looks approximately like this:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default
export IMPALA_LOG_DIR=# your log direxport IMPALA_STATE_STORE_PORT=24000
export IMPALA_STATE_STORE_HOST=# probably namenode host or whateverexport IMPALA_BACKEND_PORT=22000
export IMPALA_HOME=# full path to usr/lib/impala from the RPM, e.g. /home/grisha/impala/usr/lib/impalaexport IMPALA_CONF_DIR=# config dir, e.g. /home/grisha/impala/etc/impala"export IMPALA_BIN=${IMPALA_HOME}/sbin-retail
export LIBHDFS_OPTS=-Djava.library.path=${IMPALA_HOME}/lib
export MYSQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=# full path a mysql-connect jarexport HIVE_HOME=# your hive home - note: every impala nodes needs it, just config, not the whole Hive installexport HIVE_CONF_DIR=# this seems redundant, my guess HIVE_HOME is enough, but whateverexport HADOOP_CONF_DIR=# path the hadoop config, the dir that has hdfs-site.xml, etc.export IMPALA_STATE_STORE_ARGS=" -log_dir=${IMPALA_LOG_DIR} -state_store_port=${IMPALA_STATE_STORE_PORT}"export IMPALA_SERVER_ARGS=" \ -log_dir=${IMPALA_LOG_DIR} \ -state_store_port=${IMPALA_STATE_STORE_PORT} \ -use_statestore \ -state_store_host=${IMPALA_STATE_STORE_HOST} \ -be_port=${IMPALA_BACKEND_PORT}"
With the above environment vars set, starting Impala should amount to
the following (you probably want to run those in separate windows, also note that
the state store needs to be started first):
$ ./usr/bin/statestored ${IMPALA_STATE_STORE_ARGS}# do this on IMPALA_STATE_STORE_HOST only$ ./usr/bin/impalad ${IMPALA_SERVER_ARGS}# do this on every node
The only problem that I encountered was that Impala needed
short-circuit access enabled, so I had to add the following to the hdfs-site.xml:
<property><name>dfs.client.read.shortcircuit</name><value>true</value></property><property><name>dfs.domain.socket.path</name><!-- adjust this to your set up: --><value>/var/run/dfs_domain_socket_PORT.sock</value></property><property><name>dfs.client.file-block-storage-locations.timeout</name><value>3000</value></property><property><!-- adjust this too: --><name>dfs.block.local-path-access.user</name><value><!-- user name --></value></property>
Once the above works, we need impala-shell to test it. Again, I pulled it out of the RPM:
I was then able to start the shell and connect. You can connect to any Impala node (read the docs):
$ ./usr/bin/impala-shell
[localhost:21000] > connect some_node;
Connected to some_node:21000
Server version: impalad version 1.0 RELEASE (build d1bf0d1dac339af3692ffa17a5e3fdae0aed751f)
[some_node:21000] > select count(*) from your_favorite_table;
Query: select count(*) from your_favorite_table
Query finished, fetching results ...
| count(*) |
| 302052158 |
Returned 1 row(s) in 2.35s
Ta-da! The above query takes a good few minutes in Hive, BTW.
Other Notes
Impala does not support custom SerDe’s so it won’t work if you’re relying on JSON. It does support Avro.
There is no support for UDF’s, so our HiveSwarm is of no use.
INSERT OVERWRITE works, which is good.
LZO support works too.
Security Warning: Everything Impala does will appear in HDFS as
the user under which Impala is running. Be careful with this if
you’re relying on HDFS permissions to prevent an accidental “INSERT
OVERWRITE”, as you might inadvertently give your users superuser
privs on HDFS via Hue, for example. (Oh did I mention Hue completely
supports Impala too?). From what I can tell there is no way to set a
username, this is a bit of a show-stopper for us, actually.